A physical development center for children from low-income families.

Центр фізичного розвитку для дітей з малозабезпечених сімей

The project "Physical Development Center for children from disadvantaged families" is directed to the children from disadvantaged families aged 6-18 and aims to achieve social justice among different layers of the population, which will allow children from poor families to participate in sports on an equal basis with children from wealthier segments of the population. The project also aims at a minimum to decrease, and at maximum to prevent the destructive influence of the street (drugs and crime) on the younger generation, which has increased due to the difficult political and economic situation in the country.
The project Physical Development Center for children from low-income families will instill in children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Also, it will teach children to be organized and disciplined, not to retreat in the face of difficulties, to set goals, and achieve results through hard work.
The Center of Physical Development for children from low-income families will make it possible for children from poor families to exercise in a gym and under the supervision of experienced instructors, which helps to avoid, or at least minimize injuries.
Also, the Center for Physical Development for children from low-income families will make it possible to organize the participation of children from low-income families, along with children from more affluent families, in tournaments and competitions.
As a result, by launching the project "Physical Development Center for children from low-income families" we show children that their fate is not indifferent to society. Society is able and capable to help to keep their physical and spiritual health, teaching them to appreciate and respect themselves in society, to appreciate and take care of their health, and to appreciate the world around them. Share their experiences and pass them on to their peers.